My next country is… Mexico on December 29, 2024.


My name is Samuel Asher Rivello. I am an American full-time digital nomad.


Learning is the meaning of my life. Travel is a fantastic vehicle for education. I create for myself a foundation of vulnerability, connection, and compassion to be of service and be in action each day, and to make an impact on organizations, communities, and individuals around me.


Explore my journey across the globe, and see where I’ve been.

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Annual Reviews

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Leaving Los Angeles for South America, Central America, Southeast Asia …


Continuing through Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and beyond …


Dig in to the life of being a digital nomad with Sam.

A day in the life of being an expat, by Sam.


See the inspiration that started the travel. I presented to colleagues in Copenhagen, Denmark about my plans to teach. Later in Africa, I created the Level Up Africa charity program to promote tech literacy across partners in 5 countries.

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